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The precise attorney investigation warrant Georgia secretary of state from the DOJ

DOJ investigation warrant for Georgia secretary of state

December 14, 2022: -The Department of Justice’s superior counsel oversees two illegal investigations of ex-President Donald Trump, Jack Smith, who is issuing a warrant which seeks documents from Georgia Secretary Brad Raffensperger of the State.

Smith’s subpoena, which Raffensperger’s office stated to NBC News, is connected to the probe of efforts to overturn his presidential election loss to President Biden of 2022. Officials of four other battleground states, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, previously got similar subpoenas.

A copy of the subpoena getting by The Washington Post directs Raffensperger’s office to generate all talks from June 1, 2020, through January 20, 2021, from Trump, his presidential project, or any employee or attorney for that project.

A source known as with the subpoena, which the secretary of office received from the state, told NBC that lawyers are “weighing options” for a timeline to answer the subpoena.

On January 2, 2021, Trump unsuccessfully lobbied Raffensperger to “find” the ex-president’s votes in Georgia to transfer Biden’s win.

Georgia was one of the handful of swing states that gave Biden his margin of win in the Electoral College, selecting the president.

Smith oversees the investigation into if Trump and any other person illegally interfered in the transfer of presidential power following the 2020 election or Congress’ certification of the Electoral College win of Biden on January 6, 2021.

The top prosecutor is also investigating Trump for removing government documents from the White House when he left office.

In August, an FBI raid of Trump’s place at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, found thousands of administration records, more than 100 of which marks ranking or highly classified.

A state grand jury in Atlanta is collecting testimony and other proof as part of the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s criminal probe into if Trump and various allies are breaking the law in their bid to reverse victory in Georgia.

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