Being committed to learning and cultivating curiosity to learn about oneself and others is at the heart of conscious leadership. Conscious leaders have strong emotional intelligence and are creative in their work practices, believing that learning and growth are more essential than being right most of the time.
What is most valuable to us and what we stand for are described in our values. Naming these values fosters the creation of a vision for the conscious leader within us all. One of the most crucial components of values is to demonstrate them via action. For example, if you claim to be committed to equality and social justice, you must demonstrate it by action.
Leaders who are willing to participate in real action to address disparities can accept any role in an organization that upholds and benefits from the oppressive system. This allows individuals to build resilience to any associated remorse, allowing them to deliberately take action. Being a conscious leader involves being aware of and personally accountable for the impact you and your team have on the environment. Leaders who are conscious of their privilege must learn to recognize it, harness it, and share it with others who have less. Most importantly, they must hold themselves accountable before holding others accountable.
Allowing yourself to let go of the need to know it all and have all the answers and learning to trust in your team is a key aspect of being a thoughtful leader. Conscious leaders instill a sense of belonging in any team they’re a part of, making individuals feel like they’re a part of something bigger than themselves, with everyone working toward the same goal. Spending a day monitoring a team member or even performing some of their tasks to truly comprehend what’s involved is an effective method to do this. This will increase relational connection and demonstrate that the leader is willing to lead beyond their comfort zone while compromising some perceived power.
One of the foundations of seeing individuals in the wholeness of their identities is developing and nurturing the potential of team members in large and small ways. Providing the opportunity for employees to grow as leaders and gain new knowledge and skills creates values in different ways, which can be beneficial in both their professional lives.
Truly conscious leaders pay attention to understanding rather than merely responding, and they do so by being aware of themselves and their surroundings. More conscious leaders who are living their greatest and most courageous lives and powerfully stepping up for themselves and their communities are needed in the world.
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