The new year requires a boost of courage and hope in order to face life head-on. Taking on new challenges, attempting new ways, questioning a hazy decision, seeking input, and trying new exploratory things are all part of appreciating what life has to offer, whether it’s the perfect cup of coffee or some sour lemonade.
When you think about the most courageous leaders, it’s not about the major decisions they made or the one time they took a risky decision that leaves a legacy of bravery. It’s that you could rely on them to constantly speak the truth, to be by your side, or to allow you to try out a new concept.
These are the leaders that have built a reputation as a courageous manager one small brave act at a time—small micro-moments of guts that have resulted in improved performance and greater trust. And the greatest way to acquire confidence in speaking up is to try stepping outside of your comfort zone one small step at a time.
The numerous definitions of managerial courage include speaking candidly, being willing to take action with incomplete information, making timely decisions, and confronting performance difficulties. Even though it’s difficult to hear, courageous managers will tell you the truth. They connect with people who will push them to their limits. They also give credit where credit is due. They’re always trying new things at work, and they’re always looking for ways to make things better, easier, or more efficient.
Inviting and acting on input is one of the best ways to exhibit managerial courage. Pick one area you’d like to improve and find someone you can trust to give you honest feedback if you’re up for a minor challenge. Be detailed to get the best feedback.
If you already seek feedback on a regular basis and want to step up your game, there are people who are acquainted with their team, environment, or operations and are happy to share their insights. Find these people, keep in touch with them on a regular basis, and let them know how much you value their opinions.
It can be frightening to let people see your true self at work. Those, on the other hand, trust people they know on a human level. If you want to make this a team task, a team-building activity is a terrific approach to promote and facilitate deeper interactions so that people can learn more about you.
Sometimes, admitting that you need help can be one of the most courageous things you can do. This can be the ideal managerial courage challenge to start the new year if asking for help is difficult. Find an area of your job where you require help and seek the assistance you need.
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