CEO of NPH Group
Newcastle Premier Health, NPH for short, was formed in 2013 with a mission to bring an unrivaled personal service to Occupational Health.
A service that listened. That took the time to be with patients.
Offering employment medical services to Pilots, Commercial Divers, Heavy Goods Vehicle Drivers, and a range of other industry-specific medicals for the full range of employment roles in various industries. The founding members were four Drs (Dr. Matt Thomas, Dr. Sue Clugston, Dr. Nigel Twelves, and Dr. Matt Thomas, all highly experienced clinicians based in Newcastle upon Tyne.
As NPH grew in numbers, our clients and list of services also increased. We began working with larger companies in the aviation, oil, and gas, and chemical and engineering and rail industries, including Hitachi Rail, Marelli, Virgin Money, Nexus Metro, Heraeus, Leica Biosystems, William Jackson Food Group, and many others, gaining a reputation as a leading Occupational Healthcare provider.
Then in 2020, something happened that changed everything—the Global Pandemic. “We adapted our skills to provide tests and new services. We diverted our course momentarily, while the world needed us to fight the war against COVID-19. Fortunately for us, that period helped us get into great shape, with markets opening in the UK, and now in South Africa, Canada, Australia, and America for the testing and technology services we have developed and can offer.
After recent successful business collaborations, including supporting Virgin Voyages with their inaugural sailings, partnerships with Newcastle International Airport and Leeds Bradford Airport, and charitable support to our local hospice, we were ready to invest in our future. Ready to concentrate on building a successful brand,” says Mark Philpott, CEO of NPH Group who has taken the organization from £900K to £7million in turnover within the last five years of his leadership.
The company has relocated once in this time and is about to relocate again to a new 4,000 sq ft Head Office before Jan 2021. Under the aegis of Mark, NPH Group has embraced and transformed their approach to digital integration of clinical, finance, and support systems to drive efficiencies and improved customer service and have defined a brand for the future of Newcastle Premier Health Limited they now trade as NPH Group, their parent umbrella brand which sits above NPH Works, NPH Life and NPH Me.
The NPH brand has always been in their minds as an idea. Something unwritten but deeply understood. “We felt it was time to bring this vision to life. So, we have developed our brand identity, our brand mission, and our brand purpose to represent what we are, what we do and how we do it,” adds Mark. “This foundation is our springboard. Our jumping off point. It is the most significant part of our story so far. It’s something we can all believe in, embrace, and live by.”
Several business leaders and influencers have during his career reinforced through their successes, the importance to Mark of self-belief and recognizing the benefits of being true to oneself and being grounded in his vision for the future.
At the same time, Mark recognizes the significant value of leaning into the support of good people around him and the power of the team. Mark has taken inspiration from an unlikely source in the last five years and from his formative years in the Royal Army Medical Corps (In Arduis Fidelis – faithful in adversity).
The world of Triathlon, the rise of the Great British Team, Alister and Jonathan Brownlee, and in recent times Lucy Charles-Barclay and Louise Minchin (BBC News Presenter and GB Age Group Triathlete) have all been a personal inspiration for Mark. In recent years he has acquired an inherent understanding of the transferrable skills and lessons that exist between personal physical challenge and a healthy growing business, through a passion for the sport.
“In business, as in triathlon, you just need to make sure you focus on the job in hand, enjoy yourself even in adversity and just get into the routine of keeping the business fit and enjoying being an active part of it,” says Mark. “That’s always easier once you’ve built a high performing team around you, including like-minded business partners and colleagues.” As in sport, Mark recognizes that the outcomes look after themselves if you consistently and persistently invest in your business processes and people across all disciplines.
Developing solutions and sustainable habits for the future
According to Mark, partnerships and cooperative business relationships are a clear route to success. “Leaving egos to one side and adopting a collaborative approach opens a world of possibilities that are rarely achieved on your own. This applies equally to clients as much as it does to business partners and other service providers. My approach has always been to be open, honest, and transparent. People buy from you and work with you because they trust in your personal belief and endeavors.”
Developing sustainable well-being in the workplace focuses on helping clients and individual customers recognize what they can do to take personal responsibility for their health by being informed about a business and personal risk factors and regularly engaging in preventive activities. The secret is helping people develop these habits for sustainable future health and well-being, whether through routine screening, monitoring, or educational advice and guidance. “We are all about reducing the dependency on reactive health care and focusing on the benefits of promoting proactive strategies to engage in personal and business health care.”
They deliver quality health care services through face-to-face, online video, and telephone consultations in the workplace and from their leading clinic. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has accredited them, and they have achieved ultimate benchmarks for quality management with ISO 9001 certification, accreditation from the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), as well Cyber Essentials. These standards provide a framework within which we maintain our values (Integrity, Caring, Quality, Accountability, Passion).
Towards the Future
NPH has provided a joined-up and consistent approach to the provision of its core services for numerous clients. Their core services include absence management, health surveillance, drug and alcohol screening, health education, employment medicals, and health screening. For the likes of Hitachi, Nexus Metro, Marelli, Virgin Money, these ‘6 pillars’ have based on nationally published data, resulted in a £4-10 return on investment for clients, by maintaining people in the workplace, promoting presenteeism, and reducing absenteeism.
For the days to come, the company will be enabling clients to access their data, certification, and reports via NPH iMed, their online app, and from their online portal for business clients in a new re-branded website available from December 2021. “Business clients will also soon be able to take control of their own clinic diaries, making it easy to book employees into clinical diaries and take control of the time they buy from us, reducing the dependency on support services,” explains Mark. “Clients will also have access to a brand-new clinic in the North East of England, which will become the Head Office for future growth and expansion plans.”
“In business, as in triathlon, you just need to make sure you focus on the job in hand, enjoy yourself even in adversity, and just get into the routine of keeping the business fit and enjoying being an active part of it.”
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