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Taiwanese foreign priest expresses China drills are the region of a game-plan for invasion

Taiwanese minister claims that China is waging invasion drills

August 10, 2022: -On Tuesday, Taiwan’s foreign minister stated that China was using the military drills it is throwing in protest against U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit as a game-plan to attack the self-ruled island.

Speaking at a press conference in Taipei, Joseph Wu delivered no timetable for possible control of Taiwan, which China claims as its own.

He said Taiwan would not be impressed even as the drills with China often breached the unofficial median line down the Taiwan Strait.

“China is using the drills in its service play-book to prepare for the invasion of Taiwan,” Wu added.

“It is working biggest-scale military exercises, and missile establishes, cyberattacks, disinformation, and economic coercion, to weaken public morale in Taiwan.

“After the drills conclude, China may try to routinize its action in an attempt to wreck the long-term status quo all over the Taiwan Strait,” Wu said.

Such threatens regional safety and provided “a clear image of China’s geostrategic ambitions outside Taiwan,” Wu stated, urging more excellent international support to stop China from effectively controlling the strait.

On Monday, a Pentagon official expressed that Washington was sticking to its assessment that China would not try to invade Taiwan for the next two years.

Wu spoke as military tensions simmer after the scheduled end on Sunday of four days of the biggest-ever Chinese exercises surrounding the island – drills that included ballistic missile launches and simulated sea and air attacks in the skies and seas that encompass Taiwan.

On Monday, China’s Eastern Theatre Command reported that it would conduct new joint drills concentrating on anti-submarine and sea assault operations. This confirms the fears of some security analysts and diplomats that Beijing would keep up the pressure on Taiwan’s defenses.

On Tuesday, the command said it continued to hold military drills and exercises in the seas and airspace around Taiwan, focusing on blockades and resupply logistics.

On Tuesday, a person known for security planning in the areas around Taiwan described to Reuters a continuing “standoff” around the median line involving about ten warships each from China and Taiwan.

“China continued to try to press into the median line,” the person said. “Taiwan forces have been trying to keep the international waterways open.”

On Tuesday, Taiwan’s Defence Ministry said that China’s continued military exercises “highlight that its threat of force has not decreased.”

In the previous week, Pelosi left the region; China even ditched some lines of communication with the United States, including theatre-level military talks and discussions on climate change.

On Tuesday, Taiwan started its long-scheduled drills, firing howitzer artillery out to sea in the southern county of Pingtung, which displays a small crowd of curious onlookers to a nearby beach.

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