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Monday, February 10, 2025
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Here is the list of top conferences which leaders should attend to improvise or learn new skills for better leadership and a healthy environment in the company.

We usually see that people sometimes asked to lead a team based on their success in a particular job profile even though they do not possess leadership skills. The companies usually push them to water and ask them to swim and succeed. Many of the leaders CEO, Managers, C-Level executives would always need timely training to improve the leadership qualities and unlearn a few things and learn new things to adapt to today’s changing environment.

Leadership Can’t Be Taught, but It Can Be Learned!

We at THE CEO Publication look for the future leaders and the trailblazers who are leading the companies and who would be leading the companies soon. The list of top leadership summit would give you the important events to look forward and attend in 2020.

1. Forbes 30 under 30 Summit


Date: October 25th – 28th 2020

Location: Detroit

Join the best young leaders, founders and creators for a life-changing four days of connecting, learning, teaching and building. The 2020 Forbes Under 30 Summit is more an immersive experience than a static conference: a private music festival, A-list speakers, investor speed-pitching, industry-focused field trips, a legendary pub crawl, a world-famous food festival and a powerful day of community service.

2. Women with Wings Leadership Seminar


Date: January 9th -12th 2020

Location: Medford, OR

The Women with Wings Leadership Seminar accelerates your leadership learning curve by facilitating deeper insight and increased knowledge around key leadership skills while exploring fresh approaches and modalities in a highly interactive and supportive group setting.  The seminar deepens your leadership awareness and experience of self as a leader while increasing your experience of personal freedom, confidence, and even bravery in leading.

3. Gartner CIO Leadership Forum


Date: February 23rd – 25th 2020

Location: Phoenix, AZ

In 2020, CIOs will see the use of digitalized products and services drive new forms of growth. New sources of revenue, business value and opportunities to engage with customers and citizens require you to lead your organization to the next level. Gartner CIO Leadership Forum 2020 prepares you for your new job as a growth leader. Gain the inspiration, leadership skills and strategic ideas you need to succeed in this new era.

4. EntreLeadership Summit 2020


Date: May 17th -20th 2020

Location: Orlando, FL

At an EntreLeadership conference, you’ll get tactical advice from world-class speakers and join a community of fellow leaders committed to growth—just like you.

5. International Leadership Conference and Expo 2020


Date: February 2nd – 5th 2020

Location: NY

It will be ‘different’ in other ways too. We are picking up our own successful threads from last year: more interactive conversations, more co-creation of solutions, a wider diversity of thought-leaders, more ‘home-grown’ talent from international education.

We believe this year’s conversation will be a game-changer, a moment in time when international education takes a long hard look at itself and embraces diversity with a new intentionality. There are many calls on your time and budget. Some have more impact than others.

We will keep you posted with the upcoming events shortly. Stay tuned.

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