Kathy Pang, CEO of PangTong Wellhead USA Inc has a keen eye for business opportunities. Kathy possesses the ultimate “can do” attitude while taking on new challenges with positive energy and a smile. She is generous with advice, encouragement and drives to employees and clients alike. Being the owner and head of PangTong Wellhead USA, she has a pioneering leadership spirit. Building her company from the ground up, gaining it’s deserved reputation and expanding it to a premier reliable brand in the Oil and Gas Equipment supply arena. Kathy is proud to put her name, reputation and brand to sponsored events and a wide range of charities.
Leading Provider
PangTong Wellhead USA Inc. (“PTWUSA”), is a leading provider of wellhead equipment to the petroleum industry.
Headquartered in Shanghai, China, with a North America sales office and warehouse located in Houston, Texas, we are focused on satisfying our client’s needs by punctually delivering competitively priced, high-quality products. Our equipment offering expands across API 6A, 16A, 16C and 6D products along with various other components.
We possess engineering and manufacturing expertise to meet our client’s requests and frequently custom build equipment for them. Additionally, we are committed to maintaining a healthy inventory to ensure our ability to fulfill urgent customer needs.
Petroleum Industry case study
Over the years, PTWUSA has earned the trust of clients by continuously delivering reliable products and adhering to best business practices. Our strong customer service team combined with our expertise in producing quality products makes PTWUSA a valued partner. In a case study instance, when a leading USA company expanded its operations in Canada they asked if Pangtong would consider locally supporting their operations. After examining the depth of operations and quickly assessing the operation, Kathy formed a Canadian registered company, leased warehousing, hired staffing and organized shipping of support equipment before the onset of typical Canada “busy” seasonal operation upsurge. The equipment arrived and was warehoused prior to being needed. An additional value-added was that the warehoused equipment location is a 5-minute walk from the company’s facilities allowing unapparelled response and access.
The Philanthropist
Kathy is a founding member of Aspiration Foundation, (a 501 (c) non-profit organization). She is heavily involved with various community-focused and charitable activities. The Aspiration Foundation provides Art education opportunities to under-served children; she visits under-served parts of China and the U.S. to educate and understand the situations. As a highly family-oriented individual, she is a mother of three, Jessica, Michael, and Elena, and wife to Michael Qian. Prior to Kathy’s service to Aspiration Foundation, she actively participated in various community-focused and charitable activities. Notably, she is a valued supporter of the Chinese American Petroleum Association, a well-recognized community volunteer, and she helped to found the Zhejiang Association of Southern USA strengthening ties between Zhejiang province in China and Houston. Outside of her family and philanthropic accomplishments, Kathy is a business leader.
From interacting with clients to nurturing relationships to developing new business, Kathy oversees all operations at the Houston office. She constantly seeks new relationships that may add value to her company’s operations and maintains current connections with her upbeat personality and engaging personal style interacting effectively and frequently, while providing advice and help to those in need.
Even the most competent organizations tend to face market competition. The key strategy employed by Kathy to compete effectively is producing a consistent quality product with competitive pricing and staying with her customers through thick and thin. “We treat our customers like family and they feel comfortable with us supplying the products they need,” says Kathy. “we have a small group of very efficient people that take the initiative and go beyond expectations working towards a common goal”.
" The success of a company depends on the right people working together with dedication, belief and diligence in all positions of its structure. "
Kathy Pang
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