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Monday, January 27, 2025
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Problematic Leadership Trends - Is there a Solution?

Problematic Leadership Trends - Is there a Solution?

Global pandemic-related difficulties don’t go away; they change. As a result, leadership teams are still expected to execute under peculiar, strange, and occasionally unsettling circumstances. How can leadership teams manage extreme stress and market volatility while maximizing their collective outcomes? They can assist leadership teams in raising their game, especially following significant change and turbulence.

Even during regular times, the competing and ongoing tensions of fiduciary responsibility and caring for your people can cause the most devoted leader to falter under pressure and pace. With the addition of a global pandemic, which has dramatically lengthened the anticipated turnaround time for decisions and outputs, it is understandable that leadership teams and staff members are struggling.

Many businesses look to middle management as a way to increase organizational efficiency, and their go-to solutions are frequently temporary staff additions or chances to better utilize their technologies—both of which reduce gross profit.

It’s critical to consider how leadership teams may make the most of their change agents without becoming overly reliant on them, regardless of whether the company has designated a manager, employee, or external consultant to assist in facilitating organizational transformation. Many leadership teams anticipate that their “change sponsors” will drive the organization’s activities by themselves, inspiring others and enlisting their support.

At the C-level, there are nearly always possibilities to set the standard for business thinking first and then “team” in accordance. Enterprise thinking is a skill that early-to-mid-career executives frequently lack. A clear expectation that

 Doing so, as well as having at least one other leader on the team who does this well, is necessary to assist leaders in this area.

The executive team should also take action to support the development of an enterprise thinking culture because it takes time for executives to shift from individual to organizational thinking.

Executives who disconnect once a week from working toward their own functional goals to create a shared purpose, measurable goals, and best practices with their peers throughout the organization may experience short-term discomfort.

The long-term benefit of having the entire leadership team working together to offer next-level products, services, and innovation—which are challenging to create inside a single functional area—makes the time each leader sacrifices toward achieving their most immediate goals more than worthwhile. In light of this, the CEO or another executive team member should hold all leaders accountable for scheduling regular cooperation sessions and delivering on weekly goals.

To help the change agent do their best work, the leadership team will use their connections and political capital. In light of this, change sponsors ought to consistently promote the vision from the top down, supporting the change agent and calling on internal actors to support the initiatives while removing barriers.

It may be tempting for leaders to collectively slow down with their leadership techniques and strategies during periods of prolonged stress and change, wait for the dust to settle, and then double down in their functional areas. However, leadership groups can level up rather than level off by working as a team, utilizing these tactics, and putting new ways of thinking into practice.

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