New York City
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200,000+ workers expected to return to the job from today as NYC plans to reopen

200,000+ workers expected to return to the job from today

June 22, 2020: The outcome of the pandemic has increased the job less rate from the last three months. As the companies and stores are facing the issue with a drop in sales and many of the small businesses had shut down due to no capital inflow.

NYC has decided to move a step ahead to the next stage of reopening where the city has planned to reopen most of the business from today. Necessary precautions and social distancing are something that no one should forget during the reopening. The employees are asked to wear mask compulsory and, without temperature checks and necessary measures at the entrance of the shop, no one is allowed to move in.

The total deaths in NYC were 22,000 and, the death rates in the last few days have been in a single digit. The infections still claim 200-400 new cases daily according to the data.

The city expects an approximate figure of 200,000+ will have their job back as they reopened the retail store, wholesale, manufacturing, and construction business. The offices reopened and, people can go to the office and work with their choice of action. Outdoor dining is accepted, playgrounds are open, kids are allowed in parks to play, and many more.

The restaurant business is one of the highly affected businesses in the nation where the country and the states are funding requirements to get them back in action. Small businesses hold 75% of the job and the recent announcement of different schemes is a way to recover themselves from the current situation.

The rules on social distancing and the wearing mask are still in action till the virus is completely swept out and, this would only happen if each individual takes action and act accordingly.

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