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Top stories to know in UK:

Top stories to know in UK

42,632 is the death count in the UK. Boris Johnson plan to set new rules this week.

June 22, 2020, London: The death numbers hit 42,632 for the coronavirus patient with 43 new reported yesterday across the UK. The researchers and experts say the coronavirus will disappear without a vaccine as the severity has come down.

Social distancing, proper treatment, and necessary precautions are the prime reason for a reduction in the severity. London, Northern Ireland, Scotland recorded no deaths in the past 24 hours and the situation seems to be under control. In a reopening business Boris Johnson is set to announce a new one-meter plus rule for social distancing and, it is said that the UK will function normally with no restriction from July 1st.

However, the travel industry may have to wait for a  month more to resume the business. Necessary actions have taken for the safety of the citizens and, also the government has come up with helping hands for the small business to recover.

Nicolas Sturgeon addressed the issue in a much better way

Scotland, June 22, 2020: As Scotland was in prime focus in the initial days of the corona attack and now as the cases have come down and, there is no new death reported in the last 24 hours. The rigorous measures, social distancing rule, and staying home have helped to control.

Nicolas Sturgeon addressed in the weekend -even though the number of cases and the death rate has come down it may tempt us to believe everything is addressed and, we can re-open. But, there are a couple of things to be addressed and, social distancing is one of the prime things which we have to follow until we finally get rid of the virus.

The struggle has been supported by the citizens to achieve a better tomorrow and resume business and lead a normal life shortly.

Nonessential shops are all set to open

Wales, June 22, 2020: Wales has stepped forward to reopen the non-essential stores today. The step taken has come with the necessary measures. People have visited the mom-essential stores only within 5 miles of their house and social distancing, the changing room is closed, staffs with mask and many other precautions are implemented across all the stores.

It is the first time the stores are opened after the lockdown in March. The social distancing rule has helped us control the spread till now and, people are not allowed to move out in the streets without the mask. No social gathering is allowed within the cities.

As we hope for a healthy environment and re-opening of all the business across the world. Necessary action and precautions from each individual will help us address the issue.

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