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Leadership Lessons: Schedule Fewer and Better Meetings

Leadership Lessons: Schedule Fewer and Better Meetings

The current pandemic is a lesson for leaders to take care of their followers in pandemic situations. What can the company do in this current situation to improve productivity and help to sail in this pandemic situation? As a leader, it is your responsibility to push for growth, reduce the cost, schedule, and have fewer meetings but better meetings. There is nothing more important than scheduling the right number of meetings than more meetings.

It is the leader’s responsibility to check what is draining the company in this pandemic where exactly is the company losing money and how the meeting time is wasted most of the time. Previously there were no such meetings in the organization but, the current situation has made everyone have a meeting daily. The day starts with the meeting and ends with a meeting. As a company, it is important to gauge the meeting we have and understand what is the impact of the meeting with immediate measure and future impact as well. To simplify the process below listed are few steps which you can consider to channel the work.

Filter your meeting with the importance: Check on the existing meeting and remove the meeting with low importance and make sure the meeting you involve is yielding results. Evaluate the meeting with a few questions

  1. Is there any topic within the meeting that you can eliminate without discussion.
  2. Is your presence in the meeting necessary or some subordinate can handle the discussion
  3. Note down the purpose of the meeting
  4. Can the client be converted based on your experience.

Make improvements: Take simple actions to make changes in the future meeting. Reduce the number of participants that way you save a lot of time. Try to include people who will add value to the discussion than getting unwanted people involved in the meeting. Amazon is reported to use the “two-pizza” rule to keep meetings effective: No meeting should be so large that two pizzas can’t feed the whole group. Use a stopwatch to maintain your time and go according to the agenda make sure you do not delay the meeting by any unwanted discussion.

Create meeting guidelines: Before the meeting have a quick discussion with your team to analyze who is going to handle what part of the meeting. The topics should be shared and discussed with everyone rather than a single person taking charge of the meeting. The job should be sorted before getting into the meeting. So that each individual gets time to prepare for the meeting.

Fewer and better meetings will help to increase productivity as well as save time. Everyone would need time from the leadership team to take care of their requirement but, evaluating and then attending required meetings is something we have to focus on to be more efficient.

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