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Thursday, October 24, 2024
“THE CEO PUBLICATION owns both and websites"


Ritu Rohatgi


Ritu Rohatagi | Exploring the Leadership Ask?

Ritu Rohatgi


Phone: +1 919 985 9395

E-mail: [email protected]     


Ritu is a Global Executive Coach and Leadership Capacity Builder with expertise in strategic leadership and organizational effectiveness. She understands well what it is to be a leader in today’s globalized, interconnected and fast changing world of business, commerce and community. A Canadian citizen (Indian origin) she works from Toronto, Canada & Raleigh, USA. She has lived/worked in Europe and SE Asia, Australia, Seychelles and S Africa.

25 years of corporate experience (global marketing strategy, operations, general management, consulting) combined with developing and honing potential/performance of leaders helps her customize development programs to align leadership effectiveness with business outcomes and strategic goals.

A trusted advisor, she is widely regarded as an insightful collaborator and partner. Her work with leaders – individually and as a team – in f2f and/or virtual settings – is to enable transformation and enhance effectiveness, engagement and influence; manage transitions and change; build strong relationships; enable strategic thinking – as they lead themselves, their teams and organizations into the future.

Ritu leverages her global perspective, multinational experience, business acumen and intuition to support leaders to actualize their desired intentions and prepare for future business challenges. Her coaching is holistic, results oriented and evidence based. Assessments and discovery interviews help identify all that is within: long-standing patterns of habit, mind-sets and beliefs. She co-creates goals, defines outcomes and develops the ability to ideate and move in new directions and possibilities. This enables change in behavior and also the mindset needed to sustain that change. Thus, the change endures over time, beyond the coaching contract.

Ritu has worked, consulted and coached in multiple sectors: technology, healthcare, tourism, mining, professional services, insurance, automotive, retail & consumer goods’ industries. Her clients have included CEO/EVP/SVPs/VPs, GMs, Directors, Engineers, functional leaders and high potentials. Her corporate ‘leader’ experience as Regional Head – American Management Association (A-Pac); Regional Director (Ops, People and Culture), ThoughtWorks

Inc; Head-Strategy & International Business, Eicher International – enable her navigate & offer empathetic perspective. Ritu brings her passion ‘to make a difference’ through her coaching and enables clients become more effective and impactful leaders in today’s VUCA world. She practices ‘intentional inclusion’; employs an integrated ‘head, heart and gut’ approach to achieve holistic & cultural alignment; build resilience and develop authentic leaders. Some engagements:

Executive Transition and Presence:

SVP – Gold Mining (across 3 continents) – Built leadership presence and grew ‘Statesmanship’ – communicate with impact and build strategic networks thus growing the ability to influence, inspire and delegate effectively; build trust and followership and ‘manage’ relationships with C-suite.

Authentic Leadership:

Head-Insurance Services – Medical Insurance Association -Enabled leadership capacity and competence through recognition of innate strengths. Be more assertive and creative; develop emotional courage to have difficult conversations and develop listening skills to be more collaborative.


Country Head – Mobile Security – challenged by the ‘new culture’ and co-existing ex-head. Strengthened his relationships in a matrix, multilocation organization and align with the new culture. Develop communication skills, ability to resolve conflicts and influence outcomes.


Bristol Myers Squib; Federal Housing Finance Agency; LinkedIn; Unilever Ontario Medical Association; Agnico Eagle Lookout Inc; GE; BMW; Ford; Deloitte


Professional Certified Coach (ICF) Certified Leadership Coach, CCL Integral Coach, New Ventures West PG Diploma International Trade MBA – Marketing & Organizational Beh.

Assessments: Leadership Circle 360, CCL 360, LEA360, CMI, ISI, Enneagram, WB5P, MBTI, DiSC, Firo-B, Hogan Suite

Affiliations: Growth Edge Network; Women in Leadership; Art of Developmental Coaching

Present/Previous Engagements

AIIR Consulting

New Ventures West-Adjunct Faculty

MarchFifteen Consulting

Center for Creative Leadership

Torch Leadership Development

Duke Corporate Education

Min. of Tourism, Seychelles

Min. of Health Seychelles

Areas of Expertise

Executive Coaching

Team Building/Group Coaching

Facilitation and Design

Executive Assessment and Feedback

Interviews: Live 360, Intake, Stakeholder

Areas of Interest/Experience

Head-Heart-Hands Leadership

Holistic and Humanistic Leadership

Situational Leadership

Developmental Coaching

Authenticity and Self-Awareness

Diversity & Intentional Inclusion

Non-Violent Communication-Difficult


Change and Transformation

Mindfulness & Resilience

Exploring the Leadership Ask?

In the last month, our worlds – as we knew them – have shifted and changed and we are all making sense in our ‘own’ way. To quote a friend: “The challenge is to find a balance between being pollyannaish and alarmist”. As I participate in conversations with different groups – coaching community, executives, leaders – global and local, friends and others – the one aspect that gets underlined in each conversation is our very individual ‘meaning making ability’: how do we see the world?
As we struggle to find vision, understanding, clarity and agility and seek ways to continue to being effective and deliver ‘more’ that the present is asking of us; engage with our teams, friends and family with expansion/ease and communicate with care and intent – an understanding of our ownselves will help us manage in a manner that is authentic and true to who we are and what we want others to aspire to. This moment is also asking us to be compassionate and give ourselves more grace. In other words cut others and most
importantly, ourselves, some slack.
Purpose, Safety and Intelligences
Now, like never before, is this need to manage the polarity between our purpose and personal safety. We’ve all heard of the ‘flight, fight, fright’ syndrome – our instinctive response to any situation that ‘threatens’ us or our way of being and doing. In this time we are seeking refuge and drawing further into our own ways of protecting ourselves. Some of us need more distance, some are craving more connection while some are getting rooted in passivity. As I write this, I am finding that my sense of worth and security is causing me to be driven – I need to do something to feel worthwhile. We all are seeking succor and strength through mindfulness, breathing exercises, virtual connection (Zoom, Skype and WhatsApp – as they enable us to ‘see’ each other!) and/or conversations that are intentional.
The certainty and control that is habitual for us is not there. At best of times we do not have the language to express how we feel (Google the mood meter and you’ll get a flavor!) and all this reflects in how we present ourselves – languid, listless to loud – anywhere on the continuum. Normally crisp, the other day I found my response so scattered to an innocuous ‘how are you doing’? Had to consciously gather and focus.
We have multiple – six – intelligences in us that all come together when we are faced with any situation. A couple – cognitive and emotional – most of us are familiar with. All these intelligences contribute to and determine how we behave and what is visible to others and how we are seen in the world. It is like a dance: and we undulate to the music that is singularly our own. This inner play impacts our outer game!
(Curious? You can learn more here:
The Invitation: Personal Mastery
Leadership is more necessary than ever and it starts with self.
At the corporate level – matrix organizations are making ‘leaders at all levels’ even more of a reality in today’s world.
Leaders are defined by not only ‘what they do’ and ‘how they do it’. What sets them apart is a belief that inspires them and a cause that drives them: they help people find the power to do what matters to them and show others how to reach their full potential. Inherent in leadership are management competencies and working in the business. What sets us apart as a leader is our ability to manage relationships and work on the business.
VUCA in the present pandemic impacted situation, has developed an additional layer of complexity – a temporary state that will create an everlasting impact on us, our relationships, our organizations, our economy, our environment. The interconnectedness is being experienced and illustrated even more clearly than ever before. And we have no means of knowing what that new world will look like. Hey, we can’t even time travel to our next holiday with any certainty yet!
The ‘ask’ has become bigger than ever for our leaders and we will see a whole new set of them emerging. Always, for me, the situation defines what that leadership should look like? I thus do not ascribe to any particular style of leadership. However, what will serve us as a leader – across all situations – will be our Creative competencies of Self-Awareness, Relating, Authenticity, Systems Awareness and of course, Achieving. But then, we all have self-limiting Reactive tendencies and behaviors – the inner beliefs and assumptions that limit effectiveness, authentic expression and empowering leadership.
Free Assessment
To get a sense of ‘where am I’ on my creative and reactive inner game, as a member of an exclusive community, I can direct you to the Leadership Circle Profile for a free assessment. The report is in graph form and shows your Creative strengths and Reactive tendencies in an ‘above and below the line’ format. It helps uncover the some of our blind spots and explain the stories we tell about ourselves. Please remember, that BOTH contribute to your success as a leader and are our innate gifts!
If you wish for a deeper debrief into your profile, you can share your profile and schedule time with me. Yes, there is a
discounted rate associated with that.

Email: [email protected]
Senior Executive Coach:
Credit: Photo by Mark Olsen on Unsplash

Now, like never before, is this need to manage the polarity between our purpose and personal safety. We’ve all heard of
the ‘flight, fight, fright’ syndrome – our instinctive response to any situation that ‘threatens’ us or our way of being and
doing. In this time we are seeking refuge and drawing further into our own ways of protecting ourselves. Some of us
need more distance, some are craving more connection while some are getting rooted in passivity. As I write this, I am
finding that my sense of worth and security is causing me to be driven – I need to do something to feel worthwhile. We
all are seeking succor and strength through mindfulness, breathing exercises, virtual connection (Zoom, Skype and
WhatsApp – as they enable us to ‘see’ each other!) and/or conversations that are intentional.
The certainty and control that is habitual for us is not there. At best of times we do not have the language to express
how we feel (Google the mood meter and you’ll get a flavor!) and all this reflects in how we present ourselves – languid,
listless to loud – anywhere on the continuum. Normally crisp, the other day I found my response so scattered to an
innocuous ‘how are you doing’? Had to consciously gather and focus.
We have multiple – six – intelligences in us that all come together when we are faced with any situation. A couple –
cognitive and emotional – most of us are familiar with. All these intelligences contribute to and determine how we
behave and what is visible to others and how we are seen in the world. It is like a dance: and we undulate to the music
that is singularly our own. This inner play impacts our outer game!
(Curious? You can learn more here: )

Leadership is more necessary than ever and it starts with self.
At the corporate level – matrix organizations are making ‘leaders at all levels’ even more of a reality in today’s world.
Leaders are defined by not only ‘what they do’ and ‘how they do it’. What sets them apart is a belief that inspires them
and a cause that drives them: they help people find the power to do what matters to them and show others how to
reach their full potential. Inherent in leadership are management competencies and working in the business. What sets
us apart as a leader is our ability to manage relationships and work on the business.
VUCA in the present pandemic impacted situation, has developed an additional layer of complexity – a temporary state
that will create an everlasting impact on us, our relationships, our organizations, our economy, our environment. The
interconnectedness is being experienced and illustrated even more clearly than ever before. And we have no means of
knowing what that new world will look like. Hey, we can’t even time travel to our next holiday with any certainty yet!
The ‘ask’ has become bigger than ever for our leaders and we will see a whole new set of them emerging. Always, for
me, the situation defines what that leadership should look like? I thus do not ascribe to any particular style of
leadership. However, what will serve us as a leader – across all situations – will be our Creative competencies of Self-
Awareness, Relating, Authenticity, Systems Awareness and of course, Achieving. But then, we all have self-limiting
Reactive tendencies and behaviors – the inner beliefs and assumptions that limit effectiveness, authentic expression and
empowering leadership.

To get a sense of ‘where am I’ on my creative and reactive inner game, as a member of an exclusive community, I can
direct you to the Leadership Circle Profile for a free assessment. The report is in graph form and shows your Creative
strengths and Reactive tendencies in an ‘above and below the line’ format. It helps uncover the some of our blind spots
and explain the stories we tell about ourselves. Please remember, that BOTH contribute to your success as a leader and
are our innate gifts!

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