The United States has to raise two wars, one to fight against the COVID -19 and others to save jobs and save the Small and Medium-sized organizations across the United States. The Government and the healthcare professionals are taking serious measures to stop the spread of coronavirus, as a healthcare professional they have to save others from the outbreak. The option of work from home was the best to avoid social gatherings and stop the virus to spread.
Did the government or the politicians forget to think about the non-health related issues in the country? We trust and believe that the higher government officials are thinking on the human costs of massive job loss, The Wall Street Journal already predicted that the job downturn in the United States will be 5million by the end of this edict.
Besides protecting the outbreak of the virus, our leaders should also be aware of the consequences which the companies are facing, the tragic result is that the business will go bankrupt and millions will lose jobs.
45% of the Americans live paycheck to paycheck and lack funds. It is also said that more than half of the United States population does not have an emergency fund. According to the recent survey, most of the credit card holders are not sure if they will be able to pay back and 40% of the students who have taken loans are not sure if they can pay back the amount.
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