July 13, 2020: A total of 15,300 cases reported on Sunday in Florida state. The highest among any other state recorded in the past 3-4 months. The previous highest count recorded from New York on April 20th, where the total cases were 12,274 new cases.
The death count recorded was 45, is the lowest of all in the past few days. However, the corona new cases spike to high. The Florida Governor requested to close the Bar, restaurants, and other public gathering places. As there is no compulsory face-mask rule in Florida, it is impossible to detect the cause for the spread.
Out of 15,300 cases in Florida, only 7,500 hospitalized, and others treated at their home. It is said many of the hospitals are short of beds in ICU to the newly infected people across the state. Most of the cases detected in the southern part of the Florida state as per the report.
There can be multiple reasons, the state had a record high test conducted, and they happened to see an infection rate of 11.25% last week. In many of the cases, people themselves are not aware of the COVID -19 effect and are yet to get tested.
The Governor announced to control the spread of the virus by restricting the public places and, social distancing and face-mask will be mandatory in the coming days.
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