July 15, 2020: It is not the first time Facebook is under this pressure of sharing the hate speech on the platform. The recent StopHateforProfit campaign has raised the bar still higher than before for the tech giant.
The big brands joined the campaign boycotting the Facebook ads for their company that did not make much difference in the revenue for Facebook. The ad revenue was mainly controlled and lead by small and medium-sized businesses. The company tried to address the situation and commented, to remove hate speech and tag different types of content on Facebook. However, by addressing the issue, the company was not able to satisfy and resolve the issue.
The CEO, CTO, and other management team had a meeting with the activist and tried to explain the measures taken from the company to avoid the hate speech. However, the impact not seen and, the activist said they are not happy and will continue the campaign until we see a necessary action. At the present stage, the company has a robust problem in-front. The anti-hate advocate was not happy with the justification Mark gave another day in the meeting.
Key dates to remember in this boycott momentum:
June 1, content from the President “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” posted on the Facebook platform. A similar post on twitter was banned and flagged.
June 2, Zuckerberg, calls for a meeting with employees and ask not to take action against Trump’s post.
June 17, stophateforprofit campaign started from the activist, as Facebook is continuously failing to address and stop the hate speech in the platform.
June 18, Facebook removes the re-election ads from Tump and announces how people can block the political ads.
June 23, The big brands and many technology giants joined the campaign to stop using the platform.
June 29, The stock value of Facebook was down by 3%
July 7, Facebook CEO and other executives met the activist group and resulted in no improvement seen, the campaign continued.
What is next from Facebook is what we would have to wait and look forward to addressing the issue. Unless the company addresses the removal of hate speech across the platform, it will be tough days to come in the future.
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