July 17, 2020: According to IBM researchers, there was a miss configuration in the hackers’ system that allowed 44GB of data open to access whoever find the domain access. The IBM X-Force is the cyber intelligence unit of IBM and, the information revealed on Thursday.
According to the IBM staff, the hackers who are in the process of snooping American Officials online live by taking control of their Google account. The data found by the cyber intelligence team contained information and training videos. The videos were focusing, how to hack the account and take access to their system and all online account of American officials. The information also portrayed how the hackers have breached the US Navy official website.
The information gathered also mentioned how the hackers have failed in hacking a few of the US state departments, the US- Iranian embassy official in the past. Alison Wikoff, a senior cyber analyst in IBM, got the notification when the information was found through a server. Wikoff also sheds light on how the data from Google account transferred, and the hackers are targeting the Yahoo accounts as well.
It was alarming just how quickly they were able to navigate through these different flavors of account, Wikoff said on Thursday. The team has already informed the military force about the breach. The amount of training material within the data shows how big the team is, who is working behind the hack. By hacking into the google account, the hackers will be accessible to personal information, employment, photos, location status, and many more. Hacking will help hackers to easily track military action or any other important task from the country and government officials.
The cold war behind the keyboards between America and Iran is going on over a decade. Earlier Google and Microsoft have warned about hackers trying to access Trump and his campaign official’s Google account. Charming Kitten is the website which the hackers are using for this operation.
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