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Fauci Says New Stay-At-Home Orders Likely As Biden Advisor Warns Of Looming Disaster For U.S. Hospitals

Mr. Fauci warns of new stay-at-home orders as a potential disaster looms.

November 16, 2020: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the countries top infectious disease, the official warned last Friday for the next lockdown if the number of cases increases at the same phase.

The United States recorded 177,224 new cases on Friday alone and has set the record highest number of cases in a single day. The precautions have become mandatory like, wearing a mask, social distancing, and hand washing. If necessary measures are not announced then the country will be in trouble.

Fauci addressing CNN said “I think that likely will happen…if we don’t turn around this surge,” There would be new lockdown in few states but, not there will not be a country lockdown. Few states like Utah, Iowa, ND, etc. have come up with the new mask rule and social distancing rule and making it mandatory. While other states like Illinois, Maryland, and Washington are likely to shut down in the coming days.

Dr. Michael Osterholm, one of President-elect Biden’s coronavirus advisors, told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday that coronavirus numbers will continue to “grow substantially” without strict adherence to public health measures.

With some states running short of ICU beds warned, the USA health system will break with the number of increased cases. Record hospitalization was recorded in 25 states of the United States on Friday.

“Everyone is sensitive to what we call ‘Covid fatigue,’” Fauci said Sunday. “But we’ve got to hang in there a bit longer, particularly as we get into the holiday season and the colder weather.” Pfizer last week announced that early data from trials suggests its vaccine candidate is 90% effective in preventing infection, but it will be months before that vaccine or any other is widely available to the public.

Fauci also noted that “it would be better” if the White House coronavirus task force could begin working with President-elect Biden’s transition team. Much of the normal transition process in Washington has been delayed or disrupted because the Trump administration refused to acknowledge the results of the presidential election.

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