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Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Q4: Top 20 Dynamic CEOs in 2022 USA Edition

Cover Story

Enlightenment through Divinity | Chris Klug

Enlightenment through Divinity | Chris Klug

Chris Klug created Gothic Gin while on medical leave, taking a trip when he did not know how much time he had left with the uncertainty of what he would do with the time. He followed his passion and values, and the universe gave him Gothic Gin, which he now wants to share with the world and create as much positive change as possible.

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Reading the Community’s Pulse | Corina J Shtir

Reading the Community’s Pulse | Corina J Shtir

InterOme is a digital healthcare provider that works on improving individual and clinical decisions by making complexity simple. Corina J Shtir co-founded InterOme with her husband, John Shtir, COO InterOme, who is also CEO of Dexwell, a software company that matches very well in its expertise elements needed for InterOme.

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Surging towards Space | John Rood

Surging towards Space | John Rood

The commercialization of space is one of the most exciting opportunities of our time, with growth likely to far outpace that of the broader economy for the foreseeable future. The industry’s megatrends are intersecting in a way that opens access, expands possibilities, and establishes the need for backbone services to enable a more dynamic use of space.

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Surging Ahead with Teamwork | Kent Shantz

Surging Ahead with Teamwork | Kent Shantz

Kent Shantz is approachable, amiable, and appreciative. These are some of the most important qualities of a steadfast leader in today’s age of cut-throat competition. Kent is introducing pioneering ways to lead the company and ensuring that every member of Rockford Mutual Insurance utilizes their skills and creativity.

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Introducing a Leader Spearheading a Fresh Perspective in the Construction Industry | Kristin Giebler

Introducing a Leader Spearheading a Fresh Perspective in the Construction Industry | Kristin Giebler

Kristin Giebler, Owner, and CEO of MAC Flooring, Inc. & MAC Remodel, Inc. effectively leads her Team with both empathy and strength. Although these qualities can be perceived as contradictory characteristics, it is possible to project both and has been the largest reason for Kristin’s success. It is imperative for her to understand each Team Member’s talents, goals, and personality to best support their efforts in the company.

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Empowering Young Entrepreneurs | Laurie Stach

Empowering Young Entrepreneurs | Laurie Stach

Laurie Stach realized an opportunity to empower young entrepreneurs from her own experience. “When I was in high school, I had so much creativity, passion, drive, and wanted to take on the world! Adults would say, “You’ll do great things someday!” That last word stuck with me – ‘someday’

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Global Partnerships for a Modern Era | Maryscott Greenwood

Global Partnerships for a Modern Era | Maryscott Greenwood

Maryscott Greenwood, CEO of the Canadian American Business Council, brings her experience in government, politics, and the business world together to raise the bar on what the Council offers every year. She thinks about the positions the Council advocates publicly and about the experience that her members have as they interact with each other and with political leaders to advance the unique relationship between Canada and the U.S. Creating an environment of trust and candor with a sense of humor is part of the magic that Scotty brings to the table.

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A Leader Fighting for A Cause | Patrick R. Riccards

A Leader Fighting for A Cause | Patrick R. Riccards

Few CEOs can say their work is focused on engaging with members of the violent far right, providing opportunities for them to leave behind a life of extremism and hate. Few can say they spend their days helping violent extremists deradicalize and disengage from the violent far right. As the CEO of Life After Hate, these are Patrick R. Riccards’ realities, working toward these goals while building, expanding, and supporting a terrific team that is taking on some of the most challenging – and meaningful – work in society today.

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Discovering & Developing Innovative Drugs | Patrick Y. Lu

Discovering & Developing Innovative Drugs | Patrick Y. Lu

Patrick Lu, Founder, President, and CEO of Sirnaomics, is discovering and developing innovative RNA therapeutics with small interfering RNA (siRNA) and message RNA (mRNA) as novel modalities. Armed with more than 25 years of biopharmaceutical industry experience with big pharma and start-up environments for nucleic acid therapeutics, Patrick has been able to mitigate challenges and difficulties throughout Sirnaomics’ growth and development, and transform the company from a humble start-up to an internationally recognized public entity.

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A Wholesome Leader | Rob Moeck

A Wholesome Leader | Rob Moeck

When Rob Moeck started at Bay Cities, there needed to be a management team in place. All departments were “siloed,” and no one was working together. In addition, the company had lost sight of the customer and was attempting to sell the way that the company wanted to sell, vice how the customer wanted to buy.

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