Making Safety and Service The Priority | Peter Gibbs
To ensure these standards, Ainscoughspecify their new cranes to the highest safety standards; they also follow the highest standards of maintenance and deliver their own fitter and operator training to provide the best training standards andsupport to their colleagues. “We spend a large amount of time and money in regular refresher training and wider colleague engagement to ensure our colleagues are always following the right process and have the highest levels of competency in our sector,” elucidates Peter. “Behind this, we have some great technology solutions using camera and QR codes, etc. to ensure routine daily processes that are carried out away for the depot are rigorously followed. Wrapped around all of this we empower our colleagues to ‘always make the safe choice’ and to ‘never walk by’, in essence, if you see something you are concerned with you to stop the operation until it is resolved, this is a significant selling point to our customers who see us bringing an additional level of safety to their projects.”