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Sunday, February 16, 2025
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Q3: Top 20 Dynamic CEOs of 2023

It’s not just change that CEOs are facing in 2023. They’re also dealing with a range of challenges, from economic uncertainty to social and political upheaval. One key approach is fostering resilience within their organizations. This means creating a culture that encourages employees to adapt to change and bounce back from setbacks. It also means building a strong sense of purpose, so that employees are motivated to work together towards a common goal.

Another important strategy is building a diverse and inclusive workforce. CEOs are recognizing that diversity leads to better decision-making and that a diverse workforce is better equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape.

This is the time to reconsider all your strategies and observe the world around you to foster an environment where CEOs can help their companies navigate a fast-changing world.

Cover Story

Making Patient Care A Priority | Dr. Nhue Ho

According to Dr. Nhue Ho, President, and CEO of Total Care, today, healthcare is witnessing a massive transformation—the transition from quantity care to quality care. Before, doctor compensation was tied to the number of patients or visits rather than patient health outcomes. Now, doctors get paid more if a patient does well and less if the patient doesn’t do as well.

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Beacon Occupational Health And Safety Services | A Force Of Strength & Intention | Amanda Johnson

Amanda’s leadership throughout her tenure at Beacon is seen in every aspect of the organization — not just the strategic focus one would expect from a CEO, but a hands-on style of leadership—overseeing the implementation of new software systems, service lines and championing the recent renovation and workflow of Beacon’s new 25,000 square feet headquarters in Anchorage, Alaska.

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Washington Hospitality Association | Anthony Anton

According to Anthony Anton, President & CEO, Washington Hospitality, the industry has been in a perfect storm for most of the last two years: First, the pandemic hit, and 100,000 team members left the workforce almost overnight. Thousands of restaurants closed, and the future looked bleak.

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Putting Employees First, for Growth & Success | Benjamin McKay

“Learn what you need to learn before you need to know it, because you will get asked…once. It is a prerequisite of representing any industry that you and your team understand that industry at a deep and comprehensive level. You can fake it but not for long. ”
Above is the advice that Benjamin McKay, CEO of the Surplus Line Association of California, gives everyone around him and those who seek him out.

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Leading with Positivity & Objectivity | Brandi Martin

Brandi Martin, President & CEO, InstaFab, has always been fascinated by leadership and the idea of positively impacting the world. Even as a child, she found herself naturally drawn to organizing and leading groups of people toward a common goal. Whether it was planning a game with friends or working on a school project, Brandi was always eager to take on a leadership role and make a difference.

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Bringing Health To All | Brenda Demers

Over the past few years, there has been a sharp rise in the number of women in leadership roles, with each one helping organizations reshape how they view success, power, and leadership. Brenda Demers, CEO of SmartyPants Vitamins, is no exception. She is a brilliant leader showing loyalty, dedication, and a willingness to go the extra mile to ensure success for her organization.

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A Well-Rounded Leader | Mark Rutledge

Armed with over two decades of experience, Mark Rutledge, President and CEO of World Precision Instruments, has become known as a versatile and inclusive leader who has demonstrated the ability to drive high performance in organizations through setting strategic direction, building high-caliber teams, and mobilizing the organization around key objectives.

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The Honest Food Provider | Mary Clark Bartlett

According to Harvard Public Health article, federal food law is clear: It bans “any poisonous or deleterious substance which may render [a food] injurious to health.”
Regulators have used that provision for decades to crack down on food adulterated with toxic chemicals or microbes, including the likes of Listeria and salmonella, that can make us acutely ill.

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A Leader Fighting for A Cause | Patrick R. Riccards

Few CEOs can say their work is focused on engaging with members of the violent far right, providing opportunities for them to leave behind a life of extremism and hate. Few can say they spend their days helping violent extremists deradicalize and disengage from the violent far right.

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Embodying Leadership through Empathy | Sharon Bloodworth, CFP®

Sharon Bloodworth is more than an aficionado of shoes. She is a curator of history, a collector of footwear once donned by women who’ve etched their names in the annals of time. As the CEO of White Oaks Wealth Advisors, Sharon draws her resilience from contemplating the trials these women faced. “During moments of fatigue or wavering resolve, I harness the spirit of these women, gather my strength and carry on.

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