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Q2: Top 20 Dynamic CEOs in 2022 UK  Edition

Cover Story

In pursuit of Excellence | Rafael Dietsch

In pursuit of Excellence | Rafael Dietsch

What sets Rafael Dietsch, CEO & Founder of GenXC Group apart from other great leaders is his analytical and metric-driven mindset. Armed with a plethora of knowledge, Rafael has been immaculately analyzing the company’s expertise and presenting them in the best way possible to the clients. Being focus driven also assists him in leading his team towards greater heights, giving them an opportunity to enhance not only themselves but also the way they deal with the clients.

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Non-Traditional Rise to Success! | Belinda E. Lowe

Non-Traditional Rise to Success! | Belinda E. Lowe

Journey to CEO. As President and CEO of Agil3 Technology Solutions (A3T), Ms. Belinda E. Lowe built A3T without any capital investments, motivated by her success working for Fortune 100 companies, and a ‘Calling’ to serve others through a business venture … a vehicle to serve our Federal Government, employees, and the community. Within a 4-months timeframe, Belinda moved A3T from a seed company to making sales, securing its first customers, which has resulted in a multi-million-dollar company.

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A Strategic Pioneering Leader | Brandon C. Lorey

A Strategic Pioneering Leader | Brandon C. Lorey

Although the phrase is perhaps a bit overused, Brandon C. Lorey, President, and CEO of Bank of Clarke County, is an out-of-the-box thinker, especially for the banking world. His high-energy approach keeps people engaged, and he is constantly challenging his team to choose right over easy when identifying and fixing problems.

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The Passionate Visionary | Dennis Van Kampen

The Passionate Visionary | Dennis Van Kampen

Dennis Van Kampen, President & CEO of Mel Trotter Ministries, is a passionate visionary. He is unapologetically never satisfied, believing one can always grow, learn, and do better. To him, that doesn’t mean not celebrating the victories but rather, never becoming complacent. Dennis sees himself as the conductor of an orchestra of brilliant musicians, each of whom is more gifted than he in their craft.

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A Positive Disrupter | Jessy Tolkan

A Positive Disrupter | Jessy Tolkan

Jessy Tolkan, CEO & President, Drive Agency, is propelled to ideate, support, and put out into the world programs that, at their core, create a better and more sustainable world. By putting people at the center of her work, she roots all aspects of Drive Agency in equity and justice.

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Leading with Big-picture Approach | Julie L. Butner

Leading with Big-picture Approach | Julie L. Butner

Julie Butner, President & CEO of Tarrant Area Food Bank, takes a big-picture approach to finding meaningful ways to impact. She envisions ways for Tarrant Area Food Bank to address current issues facing the community while positioning innovative solutions to develop future solutions to address food insecurity.

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Serving with an Honor Code | Laith R. Khoury

Serving with an Honor Code | Laith R. Khoury

For Laith R. Khoury, CEO, Spartan Services & Consulting, honor code is extremely important. “Many companies neglect to incorporate an honor code. However, I was fortunate enough to attend Culver Academies by the good grace of my father, where they taught me one of the greatest codes which I motivate all my team to embrace—I will not lie, cheat, or steal; and I will discourage others from such actions—there is less money to be made in the short-term, but in the long run,

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Helping Small Business Reach Their True Potential | Lawrence Pross

Helping Small Business Reach Their True Potential | Lawrence Pross

Keeping a small business going is not for the weak of hearts. While 80% of businesses with fewer than 500 employees make it through Year 1, says the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, just 70% are still functioning at the end of the second year. By the time they reach the five-year mark, just half of the small companies are still in business.

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A Compassionate Leader | Melanie Koerperich

A Compassionate Leader | Melanie Koerperich

Melanie Koerperich’s desire to help people is a driving force behind her. The CEO of Milrich Virtual Professionals is always looking out for other people, even ahead of herself. She is a generous and compassionate, and extremely organized individual who believes in the tenet of “always be learning.”

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Creator Of Luxe Rentals & Vacation Rental Industry-Related Technologies | Patrick Michael

Creator Of Luxe Rentals & Vacation Rental Industry-Related Technologies | Patrick Michael

A disruptive business and opportunity stem from identifying voids in a specific industry or marketplace. Patrick Michael, Founder & CEO of L.A. Estate Rentals, incorporated a company before Airbnb that dealt with marketing, managing, and representing the finest luxury homes in Los Angeles during the 2008 recession. It was an excellent opportunity to take homes that could not sell, homes that developers built to sell, and rent them out to discerning clientele who were, in essence, recession-proof.

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Bringing A Change | Shirley Wang

Bringing A Change | Shirley Wang

Shirley Wang has unwavering opinions and a strong vision for the design of Plastpro’s products and the standards to which they must be manufactured. She is an out-of-the-box but also efficient thinker, and this allows her to creatively devise viable solutions when it comes to meeting customers’ needs.

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Pioneer of Building Sustainable Organizations | Susan Kichuk

Pioneer of Building Sustainable Organizations | Susan Kichuk

The Targeted Strategies Group (TTSG) spent over 20 years helping Canadian business owners and entrepreneurs build economic opportunity through the successful succession of family businesses. Then almost 5 years ago, it was time for them to think of their succession plan. The founder, Garnet Morris, sought out the right candidate for the role when he appointed Susan Kichuk as CEO.

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