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Q4: Top 20 Dynamic CEOs in 2021 Canadian  Edition

Cover Story

Urgent Care Leader & Integrated Healthcare Visionary | Dr. Senthill Mohan

Urgent Care Leader & Integrated Healthcare Visionary | Dr. Senthill Mohan

Healthcare has become extraordinarily complex — the balance of quality against cost, and technology against humanity are placing ever-increasing demands on clinicians. These challenges require extraordinary leaders. Doctors were once viewed as ill-prepared for leadership roles because their selection and training led them to become “heroic lone healers.”

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Anubhav Agarwal

Anubhav Agarwal

To Anubhav Agarwal, President & CEO, Irpinia Kitchens, and Partner at Rhyno Equity Group, providing the Company’s employees with a safe, secure and productive working environment is priority number one.

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Chris Schmidt DKI logo

Transforming Ideas into Reality | Chris Schmidt

Chris Schmidt, CEO of DKI Canada, loves to discuss ideas, strategies, and concepts because that is how you can influence industries and change the trends. Chris considers himself fortunate with DKI that he could surround himself with an excellent team consisting of people who believe in the vision and mission of what they are trying to achieve and work hard daily to execute the strategy.

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The Champion of Long-term Success | Colin Moreland

The Champion of Long-term Success | Colin Moreland

Colin Moreland, CEO, brings a passion for technological innovation and customer service to MPP Software Solutions. He can quickly visualize what a software product would look like that addresses customers’ needs and he understands what work and people are required to make it happen.

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Sharing Knowledge to Heal | Irfan Sattar

Sharing Knowledge to Heal | Irfan Sattar

Irfan Sattar, CEO of Greeniche Natural Health, is a people’s man in the true sense. His focus is always on achieving results through empowering and developing his team. He invests a lot of time and energy in paying individual attention to the strengths and weaknesses of his team members and ensuring a conducive and result-oriented environment that offers equal opportunity for growth and rewards for everyone.

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Becoming an Influencer | Jordan Tinney

Becoming an Influencer | Jordan Tinney

Jordan Tinney, Superintendent/ CEO in Surrey School District, has been described as accessible and open. The reason is simple, he is an engaged listener and tries to value what people say and to incorporate it into the school district’s culture.

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A Passionate Leader | Justin Bourque

A Passionate Leader | Justin Bourque

As the CEO of Willow Lake Métis Nation, Justin has been the proud architect of a transition away from a centralized approach to governance so that his community can return to a grassroots organization governed by, and for, the Willow Lake Métis Nation (WLMN).

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Nadia Akseer Award

Leading with a Mission | Nadia Akseer

Dr. Nadia Akseer is a curious, driven leader inspired by complex and multidisciplinary global health issues. She is interested in providing opportunities for junior scientists and artists and creating a powerful workplace for their nexus and integration.

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A Leader with Clear Vision | Neil N. Babiy

A Leader with Clear Vision | Neil N. Babiy

Neil N. Babiy, Co-Founder & CEO of Simplicity Global Solutions, works towards empowering people (to achieve success in their areas of expertise), which in turn creates a more satisfied client. He is keen on team building which reduces the many stops and starts on how the team functions.

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A Strategic Thinker | Sandro Perruzza

A Strategic Thinker | Sandro Perruzza

Sandro Perruzza—who joined the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) as CEO in July 2014—is a strategic thinker and innovative leader who focuses on increasing revenue, refocusing strategy, improving member services, and building corporate government relations through a collaborative approach.

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A Strategic Innovator | Suyi Erhabor

A Strategic Innovator | Suyi Erhabor

Suyi Erhabor, CEO, Curaga, has been crucial to the creation and transformation of Curaga from a small business to a multimillion-dollar corporation in Ontario. Suyi treats each employee as a valued individual and takes the time to understand what motivates them. Being a steadfast leader, he remains accessible to all his staff, and they ensure to reach him directly when there is a problem and to share stories of success.

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